High Voltage Operation Responsibility

High Voltage Operation Responsibility

According to Article 60 of the Regulation on Electric Power Plants; “All high-voltage high-voltage installations must have an electrical engineer responsible for technical issues.”

According to Article 14 of the Regulation on Unlicensed Electricity Production in the Electricity Market; “The responsibility for the construction, commissioning, operation and occupational safety of the generation facilities to be connected to the network at LV and HV level belongs to the real or legal person making production. In this context, the real or legal persons who own the generation facility are obliged to employ authorized operators who will work in accordance with the Relevant Technical Legislation and/or to receive the necessary services in this regard, during the operation period, starting from the temporary acceptance of the generation facility, for the connections to be made at the YG level.

According to Article 6 of the EMO High Voltage Operating Responsibility Regulation;

a) Engineers who will undertake the operating responsibility must have the “Electrical HV Facilities Operation Officer” certificate issued by EMO.
b) Operational responsibility is undertaken by certified engineers working full-time and full-year in enterprises. However, if there are no engineers who are sufficient or have these qualifications in the enterprises, this service can be undertaken by the engineers who have the SMM Certificate and the Operation Responsibility Authorization Certificate for the Electricity 1kV and below 1kV facilities, which are given by EMO to be valid until the end of the year, with an EMO approved contract.”

In this context, as Ventira Engineering, we offer High Voltage Operation Responsibility services with our engineers, who are authorized by EMO in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards.